H-Factor Where Is Your Heart

Harvesting Happiness Welcomes Mark Harradine and Leah Jantzen December 5th

Mark_HarradineMark Harradine teaches Conscious Leadership to leaders who want to profoundly impact their world for a greater good, by raising consciousness for powerful socio-economic impact for a sustainable future.

Using his unique understanding of human potential and inner development, along with his deep experience as a mental coach for elite athletes, Mark applies himself to the complex systems of the business and political worlds. He views challenges as a puzzle, rather than a problem. Then has fun putting the puzzle together. To learn more about Mark and his work, visit: http://www.aspirall.com.au/

Leah_JantzenLeah Jantzen coaches highly motivated, energetic, enthusiastic, and creative individuals looking to make profound changes in their lives.  She EMPOWERS her clients to reach new heights with their God given abilities and talents. Using sports and sports analogies, Leah dramatically expands her clients’ vision of what’s possible. Her clients live bigger and experience higher levels of personal and professional success. To learn more about Leah and her work, visit: http://www.leahjantzen.com/

Find your Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen every Wednesday at 9 am PST/12 pm EST on www.toginet.com/shows/harvestinghappiness ! For more information, visit Lisa’s websites, www.hh4heroes.orgwww.harvestinghappinesstalkradio.com , and http://harvestinghappiness.com